
The Cub Scout Link Badge

Whilst it is not absolutely essential to complete the Link badge to move from joeys to Scouts, it is highly recommended and greatly preferred, as it not only gains them the badge but gives the Joey experience on the cub pack and the chance to learn what cubs is about, while still attending Joeys.
The link badge is worn on their cub uniform, and then it moves onto their scout, venturer and rover - along with the link badges for each of those levels. This means that a Rover who has started at Joeys and completed the link badge at each level would be wearing a row of 4 link badges, all with different colours.

The requirements of the Joey to Cubs link badge are:-
  1. Attend 4 (or up to about 6) Cub meetings
  2. During talks with the Cub Scout Leader
    • show a knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the Cub Scout Promise and Law
    • know and understand the salute, demonstrate the scout sign and scout handshake
    • discuss the going-up and investiture ceremonies.
  3. Discuss being a cub-scout with their future sixer
  4. Know the names of the leaders in the cub scout section
  5. Discuss the visit(s) with the Joey Scout Leader and with the Joey Scout Mob.
  6. hear how Scouting and Cub Scouting began, and the first jungle story.
  7. Understand the meaning of "good turns" and how important it is that cub scouts do a good turn.


© 2008 Ian Moggs, all rights reserved.
However - rights are given for copying and printing for personal use or use in cub-scout or similar groups.
Last updated 22nd March 2010.

Email me anytime - i2 @ robian .net (without the spaces).