
First Aid Program

based on a program supplied by Kaa of 3rd Karratha Dingo Cubs, W.A.
Activity 1

Prior Knowledge of First Aid kits.

Cubs to write down items that they would take in their first aid kit if they went on a Cub camp in to the bush or beach.
Activity 2

First Aid instruction.

Cubs sit quietly within the circle listening / discussing, based on the First Aid notes below.
Practice Epipen (if demo available), Slings, Splints, Bandaging.
Activity 3

Fun Games.

Have a leader or senior Cub walk into the room and complain or act out one of the above conditions. Choose a Cub who knows the answer and have him play the First Aider. Make sure he/she gets someone to go for help. Make sure everyone plays in the game.
Activity 4

First Aid Relay.

In Six’s the Cubs line up ready for a relay race. At one end of the hall is a pile of items (see equipment needed). When 'Go' is called the first player runs to the pile and has to pick out an item from which an arm sling could be made. They then run back and place the sling on the next player in the line. The team with the arm sling on first puts their hand up. 5 points for first place, 5 points for the correct equipment and 5 points for a good sling that would work in a real situation! The player then returns to the team and when the team are ready the leader shouts 'Go' again for the next cubs turn. Continue until all Cubs have gone through.
Activity 5

What would you add to your First Aid kits.

Cubs to write down items any extra items that they would add to their first aid kit on the list from the from the start of the night. Would they remove any items as well?

Notes for Activity 2

Why know about First Aid? First Aid is the quick and correct help given when someone gets sick or hurt. First Aid skills are to be used until proper medical help arrives.
First Things First for First Aid: When seeing a person needing First Aid, make sure the area is safe of any further danger. Arrange for someone to get help, call OOO and report back. Keep the person in need calm and comfortable. Give information to an adult when help arrives.
Heat Stroke: Move the person out of the sun and into a shady or air-conditioned space. Cool the person by covering him or her with damp sheets or by spraying with cool water. Direct air onto the person with a fan or newspaper. Have the person drink water or other non-alcoholic beverage without caffeine, if he or she is able. Call OOO.
Pain: Should someone feel nauseous or complain of a belly pain, don't give him or her anything to eat or drink. Put an ice pack on the area that hurts and call an adult.
Burns: Run minor burns under cold water immediately after they happen. It will help take away the pain. If the burn covers a large area and blisters, call for help. If your clothes or someone else's cloths catch on fire, DON'T RUN. Stop, drop, and roll until the flames go out. Call OOO.
Cuts and Bleeding: Wash out minor cuts with soap and water, then cover with a clean bandage. If the person has a deep cut, press down on the cut and keep on steady pressure until the bleeding stops. Cover the wound with a clean cloth. Raise the cut over the height of the heart to reduce blood flow. If bleeding does not stop, call OOO.
Nosebleed: If someone has a nosebleed, have him or her sit down and lean forward to keep the blood from going down the throat. Take a handkerchief or a clean cloth and place it over the bridge of the nose. Squeeze firmly on both sides of the soft portion of the nose for 10 minutes. Keep the pressure steady. If the bleeding doesn't stop, call OOO.
Fainting: If someone faints, put a pillow under his/her legs to elevate them. Tilt head to the side, than put cold compresses on the forehead and call 000.
Unconsciousness: If someone is hit on the head and is unconscious, call 000. NEVER MOVE THE HEAD OR NECK, stay CALM, and wait for emergency help to arrive, do not leave the person alone. Do not allow anyone to move the person until help arrives.
Poison: If someone swallows something poisonous, call the local Poison Control Center immediately, or CALL OOO. Have as much information as you can about what was taken, how much and when. DO NOT eat or drink anything. Wait until help arrives.
Insect Stings: If an insect stings someone and the stinger remains, never squeeze it out. Scrape it off with your fingernail. After the stinger is removed, wash the area with soap and water. Then apply an ice pack or cold cloth. If the person starts having trouble breathing, or if you know he or she is allergic to that insect, call OOO.
Broken Bones: If someone should fracture a limb, do not move the limb. Ask someone to call OOO. Do not give the injured person anything to eat or drink. If the injured limb is deformed or badly swollen, it usually means there is a fracture and bones are broken.
Sprain: If bones are not broken, but muscles or tendons are in pain, apply ice around the sore area. Avoid moving. Make a splint to stop the sprained area from moving. Stay calm and arrange to see a doctor
Hypothermia: If someone has been exposed to cold weather without proper clothing, remove the person from the cold and wind and call OOO. Warm the body slowly. Provide for ease of breathing and blood circulation.

Some suggestions for stocking a first aid kit...

  • Antiseptic ointment
  • Wet wipes
  • Sunscreen
  • Ointment for insect bites and sunburn
  • Saline solution to flush eyes
  • Throat lozenges
  • Tweezers (for removing splinters)
  • Protective gloves
  • Bandage scissors
  • 2x one dollar coins to make phone calls
  • Soap
  • Safety pins
  • Vinegar
  • Triangular bandage
  • Sterile roll cling gauze bandages
  • Various adhesive band-aids
  • First Aid book
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Adhesive tape to secure bandages
  • Cotton balls
  • Paper & pencil
  • Small insulating blanket
  • Drinking cup
  • Phone numbers for police, hospital and parents
  • Scissors

© 2007 Ian Moggs, all rights reserved.

Last updated 14th May 2011.

Email me anytime - i2 @ robian .net (without the spaces).